Meeting Petra Jörns

As part of our residency in Maxdorf, Germany, Matchbox interviewed local ecologists and the Mayor as a way of introducing us to the Heidlewald. In these short videos, we learn about the different local biodiversity initiatives that are taking place in the area, the history of the Heidewald, and the importance of the surrounding meadows. These videos give you a glimpse into how we are building a network of local experts who will contribute to the creation of 3 WOODS in Germany.

Petra Jörns

Petra Jörns is a biologist and works in biotope management, she is in charge of nature reserves in her home county for the state of Rhineland-Palatinate for over 25 years. As a biologist, she is the project manager of a project called “Insel der Artenvielfalt” (ENG: Island of biodiversity) that cares for local biodiversity in the little town of Rödersheim-Gronau, not too far from Maxdorf (about 10km to the south). “The project was one from 40 winning ones at the competition “Naturstadt – Kommunen schaffen Vielfalt” (ENG: Nature City - Communities Create Diversity), which is carried out by the alliance "Kommunen für biologische Vielfalt e.V." (ENG: Association Communities for Biodiversity) and is funded by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation with funds from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety as part of the Federal Program on Biological Diversity. The alliance "Kommunen für biologische Vielfalt e.V." is an association of municipalities engaged in nature conservation. It strengthens the importance of nature in the immediate living environment of humans and puts the protection of biological diversity in the spotlight.”

Petra is also an author of numerous science fiction and fantasy books.

In the interview we asked Petra two important questions:

Insects are a very important part of the interconnected relationships that keep natural systems in balance. But many people have negative perceptions of insects- they might be afraid of them or think insects are disgusting or even dangerous. How do you think cultural feelings about insects have shaped conservation efforts? How can our relationship with insects be repaired?

As an author of many science fiction novels, what role do you see stories playing in our collective visions of the future?

See her responses in the video.


Meeting Walter Gramlich


Meeting Thomas Hebich